Louis Vuitton has been allegedly caught selling fake bags in their own store.
Louis Vuitton is the world’s most recognizable brand, but it is also the most counterfeited brand. However, for the brand to sell counterfeits through their stores? That’s unsettling.

Source: luxurylaunches.com
Well, it seems like that’s the case. The French luxury brand is facing scrutiny for selling a fake Vaugirard bag in one of its boutiques in China.

Source: Louis Vuitton
Named after a unique street in Paris, the Vaugirard bag was released in 2019. Fast forward to 2022, the customer who had purchased the handbag took the $3,500 USD bag to a third-party authenticator, who confirmed the bag was a fake. This prompted the customer to launch a lawsuit against the brand. As a result, Louis Vuitton was ordered by a local court in Changsha to compensate the customer.

Source: Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton settled with the customer but maintains that they have never sold anything but fully authentic goods through any of its point-of-sale channels. Yet, the customer submitted to the court confirmation of the purchase, including the store receipt, but LV did not provide any evidence in support of its stand.

Another fake Louis Vuitton handbag outside a real Louis Vuitton store in Maryland, USA. Source: Reuters
Nonetheless, it’s an eyebrow-raising situation. How did a fake Louis Vuitton bag end up in a real Louis Vuitton store? According to Chinese social media platforms, there’s been speculation that LV the staff were fooled by a ‘superfake’: “a counterfeit bag made to such a high standard that it’s nearly identical to the real thing.”

Source: Pinterest
Some believe another customer bought a real Vaugirard handbag and returned a fake one to try and swindle the boutique. But, the boutique didn’t notice that it was a fake, and this customer was collateral damage.
What are your thoughts? Do you think Louis Vuitton should accept the responsibility?